Welcome to My World! :-)

Mosaic Rainbow

The “New Normal” is my everyday normal. As I go about my daily routines I wonder what am I doing differently? Not much at all really. I live alone and rarely go out socializing. Well, rarely compared to most people. I have been washing my hands more, yes. But I’ve always been a fan of hand washing! Often times holding my tongue when I want to ask a ‘loved one’ to wash their hands!

While taking my regular walk this morning I notice not only less vehicle traffic but also less people on the trails and it’s a beautiful Saturday morning in sunny F.L.A. On my route I go past some restaurants and random shops, and everything is just less populated! EVERYTHING! Surreal. Apocalyptic, in a way. I even overheard someone commenting to his golf disc buddy how there is less traffic these days.

Less people even in the park. NO ONE in the ball parks, like as if it were a weekday morning. This is JUST how I like it! It seems less populated-feels better-I can breathe better. Speaking of breathing better, I came across this very interesting video titled, “Air pollution over China dropped in January, rebounding in March – Satellite Data” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UwlQkgLKPtQ This is a great visual and is only 66 seconds long, please check it out. Look at what we CAN do for the GOOD of the planet & ultimately ourselves.

Social distancing to me is simply respecting others boundaries. Big empty beach-please don’t sit right next to me! I’ve noticed how physical closeness relates to culture. Ever been to salsa night at the dance club? πŸ™‚

People in public even seem nicer, or is it just me?

Why do I feel uneasy about this “new normal”? How temporary or not will it be? Ah, the fearsome unknown! This new “Social distancing” way of life is weird to even me, a socially awkward, socially anxious introvert. Instead of shaking hands, what? NAMASTE prayer hands with head bow? I actually like that idea! Now that I have an excuse to stay away, I feel uneasy because the choice to be socially close has been taken away from me. Even introverts want to be close some times.

dragonfly, ocala national forest, palm frond, palm
Solo Dragonfly on Palm

For an exceptional in depth explanation of the virus, I found Gregg Braden’s video on Youtube very informative! It’s just under an hour, make some time to watch it while socially distancing yourselves πŸ˜‰ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwiS37SYE6k&t=13s

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