2 Opposing Laws; Attraction vs Magnetism

beach, sun
Sunrise or Sunset?

The Law of Attraction’s primary basis is that “Like Attracts Like”. What about the old adage that opposites attract? Often times my brain simply will not stop going-ha! Like the energizer bunny, right? I’m a thinker, a deep thinker, an obsessive thinker! Digging for the truth and what is REAL runs deep within me.

Why are these opposing ideas?  
Opposites attract while
Like attracts Like

I still can’t explain, make sense out of, or reason how it is that these two laws can be opposing. ARE they opposing or are they somehow COMPLEMENTARY? As agitated as I am that my pen ran out when I -EXACTLY when I wrote the word “complementary”. I find it so extraordinarily interesting that this happens to me frequently. My pens always run out & I’m often writing deep shtuff, so what are the odds that my pen runs out at/on a significant idea? (INTERROBANG*)

Like attracts like on the energetic field/level. Thinking how opposites attract in the form of magnets and magnetism, this is more on the physical level and less on the energetic level. (I’m not saying energy is uninvolved.)

Physical/matter is on a “lower” frequency so the things one ATTRACTS by being opposed to it are more in the lower frequency and related to the physical/matter.

Are we pretending /faking /imagining /dreaming (visualization) so we can become and experience that which we are not? Forget about ‘Opposites Attract’ that’s old news! Get with the times! The consciousness revolution is under way and the law of attraction says like attracts like. It is NOW time to get rid of the old ways of thinking. There’s nothing you can do about it. The consciousness revolution is like a freight train on the tracks! On the RIGHT track. War and opposition are old, outdated and unuseful ‘things’. Peace, love, unity and evolution of our collective-that includes the whole planet and universe!

Newtonian-Physical-Old Ways
lower frequencies
Quantum-Energy-New Ways
higher frequencies


  • According to National Geographic, magnetism is “caused by motion of electric charges”.
  • The magnetic circuit is similar to an electrical circuit.
  • The earth is a large magnet.
  • Our bodies are magnets.
  • Magnetism only works on certain metals.
  • “Magnetism is a result of molecular alignment.” A nearby magnet can magnetize iron (for example) by aligning their molecules. Does this result in like attracting like?????

Fun facts;

  • According to Wikipedia LOA is also the Law of Love.
  • Helena Blavatsky coined the term “Law of Attraction”

*I need an interrobang character on my keyboard!?

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